Tillikum Lens

Our workshops enable youth to explore their world and tell their own stories through images. Typically 5 to 7 days long, our workshops give the participants understanding of the basics of photography and they have a chance to create their own images – images we later exhibit. | Read More

The Tillikum Lens Project will holds photography exhibitions in many locations. Some Photography ehibitions of participants work have been held at the Liu Institute at UBC, Trout lake Community Centre, Osoyoos Band office, Lakefield SS, Curve lake band office, Artstarts BC,Paddle together festival, SIlver Canoe Dinner, Fort Gibralter, Winnipeg. Festival and show locations and venues will change over the years but the primary goal of opening new perspectives on the world through images will always be the main focus. For more information please click here. | Read More

Workshops have been held in:
- The community of Mt. Currie at the Xit’olacw Community School, British Columbia, Canada.
- The Osoyoos Indian Band in association with the Desert Cultural Centre in Osoyoos, British Columbia, Canada.
- The Squamish First Nation, Totem Hall Squamish, British Columbia, Canada.
- Curve Lake First Nation, Ontario
- Lockport School Manitoba
- Squamish First Nation, North Vancouver

The Tillikum Lens Project would not be possible without the support of all our partners. From the camera and staff support of Sony to the support of each of the individual communities and the organisational support of ISEF, we all work together to make this project happen. | Read More

The Tillikum Lens project is designed to educate participants about photography of course but it is also designed to educate about images and the power of an image to tell a story, to send a message and to communicate with others. It is also part of our mission statement to educate our participants about options they have in the choices they make, in what they chose to learn about and focus on and to make sure that whatever their chosen focus is – we will help to support that choice.

Empowerment of individuals is important – perhaps the most important thing any of us can do. One of the 20th century’s great thinkers – Margaret Mead stated that:
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
We hope that through our programs the participants and students and the instructors will all become more empowered and ready to make their statement in the world. We all have something to say and a story to tell, we all have wisdom to share but only through empowerment and the belief of others can we share that wisdom.

The Tillikum Lens project believes that by sharing images, stories, perspectives and respect that our participants will influence and teach each other and the wider world. Our participant’s work and images will be showcased in shows and presentations at galleries, cultural centres with each other and other workshop participants and with the world through both physical shows and digital storage and access. We believe that the more stories and perspectives we share the better the learning process, the more empowered the participants become and the more the entire project benefits the community. We hope this year’s participants will become next years mentors and we encourage all participants from students to teachers to organizers to share their thoughts, stories experiences, images and dreams.

Images are beautiful and should be seen by many people.
The Tillikum Lens Project partners with venues, businesses and other organisations to exhibit the photography work that the students of the workshops produce. With these partners it is possible to share the images telling the stories of our workshop participants. For a list of locations and times of exhibitions please check here.
Tillikum Lens participants work is also available online at a website designed specifically for showcasing our participants work at tillikumlens.com.
Participant’s work is also available on our Flickr feed here.

Our Students photos
Not only do we exhibit our students photos around Canada and the world we also provide a place here on the Tillikum Lens website where each student can showcase up to 10 of their own images.
Workshops and related Student Photos
Links to the images from our first three workshops can be seen here:
- March 16 to 20, 2015 workshop – Lil’wat First Nation – The community of Mt. Currie at the Xit’olacw Community School, British Columbia, Canada. Read more and see photos.
- May 20 to 23, 2015 workshop – The Osoyoos Indian Band in association with the Desert Cultural Centre in Osoyoos, British Columbia, Canada. Read more and see photos.
- May 25 to 29, 2015 workshop – The Squamish First Nation, Totem Hall Squamish, British Columbia, Canada. Read more and see photos.

Participating Photographers
We have some of the best photographers in Canada speaking and running workshops at both the Tillikum Lens Workshops and at the Tillikum Lens Festival. Come out to see and hear from these professionals as they share their knowledge and expertise. Learn from the best and see how they interact with both novice photographers and more experienced photographers. Read more.
Workshop Photographer/Instructors
All of our workshops are led by accomplished photographers. Christopher J. Carter (CJ) taught the Osoyoos Workshop and is the program coordinator for the Tillikum Lens Project. The first workshop was taught by Terry Asma from 20/20 Studios. The Squamish Nation workshop was taught by Andy Clark.

The Tillikum Lens Project relies on Volunteers to run efficiently and smoothly as does ISEF. We are always looking for people wanting to help out and who have a passion inside to make a difference in the world. Are you one of those people? If you would like to be part of the Tillikum Lens project please contact the Executive Director of ISEF – Jonathon Reynolds at: [email protected]
Photographers wanted
The Tillikum Lens Project relies on two main foundations – first our participants and second our photographers. As the program expands this will include film makers, artists dancers essentially any art form which can be used to tell a story and we are always looking for great people to partner with. If you want to become involved and use your skills to help others please connect with ISEF’s Exectutive Director; Jonathon Reynolds at [email protected]
Would you like to host a Tillikum Lens workshop or conference in your community?
We are open to working with any community that can see a benefit for their youth through this program. If you are interested in hosting a workshop or Conference in your community or if you would like more information please connect with Jonathon Reynolds Executive Director of ISEF at [email protected]