International Sustainability Education Foundation
Our Mission

The International Sustainability Education Foundation focuses on the intersection between sustainability and education. We specialize in resilience and sustainability in city designs, pedagogy, and public-private partnership which further both sustainability and education.
About Us

The Foundation was started through the generosity of the WEtegrity Group and our Directors include some of the best people in the education and sustainability field.

Our programs range from the Preparing Our Home program Canada Ambassador Program, to the Paddles Across Canada program, to community planning workshops and the Tillikum Lens photography workshops focused on enabling youth to become empowered through art and interaction.
News & Events

Stay informed with the latest in the sustainability, resilience and education fields. Keep up to date on what we are doing and on what is happening in the rest of the world. Check our Resources area for links to information we think might be interesting and useful to anyone interested in Sustainability and Education.

We strive to connect the best in the world – sharing ideas and options across boarders and cultures. ISEF is dedicated to the education, promotion, and sharing of research and solutions in sustainability and resilience, and provides a platform for such for educational institutions, public entities and private industries. Connecting and educating all perspectives on education and sustainability and providing a resource in which all that knowledge is available to everyone is key to the mission of the Foundation.

Matching skills and ideas with community needs is important to our work. These range from building practices, planning decisions, and energy use, to food security, water use, educational seminars and transportation solutions. We do this through workshops, partnerships, conferences, lectures, publications, and digital information sharing. By connecting people from around the world and around the corner with new – and sometimes old – technology and lifestyle choices we can make this a better and more sustainable place to live: for us and for the children who will inherit what we build.

ISEF creates environments that enable learning through workshops, programs which extend over months, and through our publications and sharing of other organisations’ knowledge. We believe that making education sustainable is a matter of looking at it from a different perspective and making it accessible and applicable.

Making Education Sustainable
In order for education to be sustainable it has to be fun and engaging – we have to want to learn and ISEF believes that learning is fun. ISEF creates environments that enable learning; through one day workshops, programs which extend over months or through our publications and sharing of other organisations knowledge.
Education needs the right Partners
Businesses, schools, organisation and individuals all come together to make education possible. Finding the right partners to make a program great is a key role for the Foundation. With the right partnerships sometimes 1+1 = far more than 2, new partnerships can create opportunities which would be impossible in any other way – especially in education.
Education needs the right Mentors
We recognise that there are incredible educational opportunities through bringing people and different ideas from around the world to share locally. We all benefit from that exchange of ideas – the true nature of learning. Education is about more than reading and writing skills, in our globalized world, fluency in cultures has become not just a competitive edge, but a life skill. A strong grounding in practical life skills is imperative for resilience. Conflict resolution and communications skills are key for developing good leadership.

Sustainability matches skills with needs
We do this through workshops, partnerships, conferences, lectures, publications, and digital information sharing. By connecting people from around the world and around the corner with new – and sometimes old – technology and lifestyle choices we can make this a more sustainable place to live. One community and one person at a time – we engage with each other, across generations, across cultures, and in our communities in order to make them better places to live for us and for the children who will inherit what we build.
Each community has unique issues around sustainability. Matching skills and ideas with community needs is important to our work. These range from building practices, planning decisions, and energy use, to food security, water use, educational seminars and transportation solutions.
Core themes
1. Education
2. Mentorship
3. Sustainable development
4. Sustainable governance
5. Resilience
6. City planning and community development
7. International collaboration in sustainability
8. Energy

Partnering is the key to success
Here at the International Sustainability Education Foundation we believe that partnering is the key to success. indeed having the right partners makes projects which would be impossible not merely possible but enjoyable.
We believe that one of the key roles that ISEF can play is in putting together and enabling partnerships between widely diverse groups – from private industry, to NGOs to academics and cutting edge researchers we connect them all.
All our partnerships started with the initial founding through a generous donation from WEtegrity, a group that believes in making the communities and regions they work in a better place.